The first solo show of the top voice imitator Alex Kristan since its premiere audience a hit!
The program offers everything you could want for a relaxing and fun cabaret evening only. If Kristan unpacks the diverse personalities and these also interact with each other, hardly anyone still keeps laughing in the seats! Whether Frank Stronach, Niki Lauda, ??Arnold Schwarzenegger, Hermann Maier, Toni Polster, Hans Krankl uva - And he is next to his brilliant parodies also a great comedian!
Alex Kristan to his program: "The piece has now discovered my receptivity for spontaneity and improvisation and begins more and more to play with me. What is the challenge for me is the variety for my audience. "
AND BEYOND ALL SING THE FORESTS (Stream of Live-Performance)
theater in medias res (4/1 - 4/1) | ||
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