By Roald Dahl Directed by Rodolfo Robles Cruz In this delightful stage adaptation, Roald Dahl’s classic tale is faithfully told by James himself along with the insect characters – Miss Spider, Old-Green-Grasshopper, Centipede, Ladybird and Earthworm. The play begins at the end of the story, when James and his friends are living in the giant peach stone in Central Park, New York. A tour guide brings a party of tourists (the audience) to see this major attraction, and James and his friends tell the story of how they came to live in New York. The insects play the other roles, likes James’s cruel Aunt Sponge and Aunt Spiker, and the epic journey across the Atlantic is acted out with live action, puppetry and storytelling in David Wood’s masterful adaptation.
Adapted by David Wood
B. Iden Payne Theatre is at 300 # 23rd St, Austin, TX.
Points of Intersection (4/4/24-4/7/24)
Ride the Cyclone (10/26/23-11/5/23)
Ride the Cyclone (Preview) (10/25/23-10/25/23)
In Sisters We Trust (10/20/22-10/29/22)
In the Heights (4/9/14-4/19/14)
Kinesthetic Imperative (3/6/14-3/9/14)
Fall For Dance (11/15/13-11/24/13)
A Little Midumer Night's Dream (6/27/13-6/27/13)
THE EDGE OF PEACE (2/1/13-2/10/13)
Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde (10/28/11-11/6/11)
26 Miles
Trinity Street Playhouse (1/10 - 1/25) | ||
Fiddler on the Roof
Bastrop Opera House (9/12 - 9/28) | ||
She Was Here
Austin Playhouse (West Campus) (1/17 - 2/9) | ||
Georgetown Palace Theatre (2/14 - 3/16) | ||
Jersey Boys
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