Renowned ballet teacher Kat Wildish created the Performing in NY Showcases to give her eclectic adult students a rare opportunity: the chance to perform real classical repertoire in a professional theater in Manhattan.
The shows have grown from serving just a twenty-person studio audience in 2008 to being sold-out successes. Small professional troupes and open-class students in other dance styles join the passionate international cast. Kat believes every dancer deserves the chance to achieve his or her dreams of performance, regardless of age or level.
The spring 2017 Performing in NY Showcase will be held March 26 at 4pm and 7pm at the Salvatore Capezio Theater at Peridance. Featured groups include Artists in Motion, Bev Brown, Sue Samuels, Aggie Becker, Lauren Blue, Diego Funes, Hudson Valley Ballet, InnerSoul Dance Project, Daniel Longo, Janine Micheletti, American Tap Dance Foundation, American Theater Dance Workshop, and Yuka Kawazu. Kat's pas de deux students will dance excerpts from "Le Corsaire."
Sunday, March 26, 2017 at 4pm & 7pm
Salvatore Capezio Theater at Peridance
126 East 13th Street, New York, NY
Tickets: $18.50 (plus processing fee) available here or at the door
Get your tickets now!