This electrifying drama about the gritty lives of two street-savvy hustlers resonated through the theatre world. The New York Times led the way, calling it "a thrilling comic drama….dazzlingly written!" Lincoln and Booth bear the weight of black history—and the names of white men, given to them by their father as a joke before he (like their mother) walked away. Left to their wiles and their bravado, the brothers never stop conning the suckers on the street and, ultimately, each other in this darkly funny hit about family grievances, wounds—and healing.
Clyde's (9/28/24-9/28/24)
Clyde's (9/28/24-9/28/24)
An Iliad (9/21/24-9/21/24)
Every Brilliant Thing (8/2/24-8/2/24)
Gently Down the Stream (4/24/20-5/17/20)
Milwaukee Chamber Theatre's home is the Broadway Theatre Center (BTC) located at 158 N. Broadway in Milwaukee's Historic Third Ward. The Broadway Theatre Center opened in 1993 and houses two theatre spaces, the 360-seat Cabot Theatre and the 99-seat Studio Theatre. Milwaukee Chamber Theatre performs five plays each season between the two spaces. The mission of the Milwaukee Chamber Theatre is to produce intimate, high-quality, professional theatrical works of literary merit that engage and challenge the audience, while employing and nurturing principally local theatre artists.
Milwaukee Chamber Theatre is at 158 N Broadway, Milwaukee, WI .
Sister's Easter Catechism
The Grand Oshkosh (2/26 - 2/26) | ||
Alice in Wonderland
The Grand Oshkosh (5/6 - 5/6) | ||
Mutts Gone Nuts UNLEASHED
The Grand Oshkosh (4/5 - 4/5) | ||
Ain't Too Proud (Non-Equity)
Grand Theater (4/15 - 4/16) | ||
The Singing Zoologist Animals Rock!
The Grand Oshkosh (4/13 - 4/13) | ||
Crystal Gayle
The Grand Oshkosh (2/21 - 2/21) | ||
Listen To Her Heart: The Tom Petty Experience
The Grand Oshkosh (2/28 - 2/28) | ||
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